les pauvres cœurs

Friday, December 28, 2007

List poem, 12/28/2007

These my unedited goals
my list
my accomplishments
not yet started:

Step 1: Grow a spine towards friends
do not bend so easily and
when their kisses disgust me,
push them away.

Step 2: Laugh when I am amused,
not when it is appropriate.

Step 3: Avoid sex unless I want it.

Step 4: More vegetables. Less sugar.
Less meat.

Step 5: Do not be so forgiving --
I didn't ask for it.
Is this Step 1 again?

Step 6: Fall in love as much and as often as possible. Keep two or three at the most -- don't lose contact with them.

Step 7: Write like a madwoman
and don't let that boy
get in the way of things.

Step 8: Stop missing Michael.
Just STOP.

Step 9: Finish this book
before I land.

1 comment:

Isaac James said...

we all need a list like this
not in actuality, but in spirit
they will all, of course, vary
you may very well inspire me to conjure up a list of my own