les pauvres cœurs

Monday, May 25, 2009


Maiden's Peak Syndrome: The tendency for one to wait around for someone and receiving little to no results.

This is a very deadly disease. Often it's victims include many women and very romantic men. Symptoms may include panic, annoyance, loneliness,denial and in often but extreme cases, a completely wasted life. Maiden's Peak syndrome can be diagnosed for something so large as waiting for someone to return to you in a relationship or something as small as planning to hang out with someone and 80% of the time it not happening. Maiden's Peak Syndrome refers to the term, Maiden's or Widow's Peak, a very common story where a woman waits for her husband or lover on a cliff as he goes off to war. The end result: the woman waits so long she turns into to stone waiting for centuries, even millennia for her lover to come back.

-Tasha Richardson, 5/20/2009


Agent Jellie said...

And the remedy for such an illness?


Kevin Murray said...

Hey, I think I saw you at Tierneys on St. Patty's Day, but I was kind of skeptical to say something. Was it you? Please get back to me. AIM pikolow, Murrayk2@mail.montclair.edu

Kevin Murray said...

Hey, I think I saw you at Tierneys on St. Patty's Day, but I was kind of skeptical to say something. Was it you? Please get back to me. AIM pikolow, Murrayk2@mail.montclair.edu