les pauvres cœurs

Saturday, December 20, 2008

For Nora, a Prequel

Robot apartments!
I am a robot.
My little brain is filled with silly nonsense
You can ask me anything
I will know the Answer.
I have the Answers.

In the traffic to Seattle
you asked me about 16th century lute music,
and I felt ashamed when I knew its history
I had to explain myself and my knowledge

And you show me off to your friends!

I read wikipedias every day so that I won't disappoint,
I never want you to be ashamed of me.
when I can't quench your thirst for useless knowledge;
there's a fear in your eyes when I say:
I don't know
so I'll study and pray that the words
will never cross my lips again
And I read encyclopedias till my
brain leaks out my eyes
and gray matter will splash your converse
and that will be the end of Us.
found poem: "Howl"

0808: The Origin of Infection: Patient Zero

my feet are losing feeling!
stare! hard! at my telephone!
in deep concentration
willing myself! willing myself telepathy! will YOU telepathy!
to tell you will you! just! call me! you unreliable BASTARD!
Its been two! long! bloody cold! days
since I kissed your face!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Unsung Wartime Romance

You were kind
for a time
after empty pavement pounding
I epically stomped through
and over you
You were kind for a time,
granting freedoms greater
than those you took away:
a home,
a bed,
a place to rest my head.
You were kind for a time,
allowing me
the knit of the needle
a pink yarn suture
to tie my bloodied heart.
You were kind,
for a time.
And in the space of a breath,
took the knife
from your well-tailored ankle boot,
slid it between my ribs
and smiled a goodbye
from behind.
And all I can think
among these paralleled walls
is how for a time,
you were kind,
and rainkissed my face
under the overpass,
heated my nights
and picknicked steampunk effervescence.
You were kind for a time,
and I played the fool,
unwilling to see;
you were meant to be
a spun-sugar sweetness
lying soothing on the tongue,
and I on the playground,
ate a mouthful of dirt.

The Loop

there is a strange freedom
in moments of idleness:
watching time pass with
and the nothing you did today
should have been Something,
but it wasn't.

Sunday, December 7, 2008


In a faraway now,
I am sleepless for you.
Waiting at a French door balcony,
trying on
my bridal woes
one last time.

In a faraway now,
it is you calling at one a.m.,
so different in every way.
You are dark, dark
darker, my halfling,
darker than she.

Fingering a ring finger
in the near now
empty where a weight
should be.
Faraway I am a beast
on wing,
all tangled snarls
and water retention
and too much snow
has closed the airport,
so my maid of honor
will never appear.

In a faraway now,
I am lost in smells
the present cannot recollect.
In a faraway now,
three days until
the happiest winter morning.

In a near now,
a distant me pleads
if only you'd come
and bring the faraway

In a close now,
in closing now,
three days
and my finger is free.